Brooklawn Child & Family Services is a 28-acre psychiatric residential treatment center for youth, ages 6 to 19, who need intensive therapeutic support to overcome the effects of abuse, neglect or other family crisis.
Our facilities include 16 residences, an off-campus group home, on-campus state-of-the-art public school, gymnasium, soccer field, softball diamond, basketball courts, two playgrounds and a water splash park. Vocational programs include auto mechanics and horticulture.
Brooklawn has 206 full and part-time staff consisting of 20 clinicians, two psychiatrists, five nurses, as well as administrative and direct care staff. Brooklawn has a full continuum of services that include individual, family and group therapy.
Brooklawn utilizes the Boys Town Psychoeducational Treatment Model® when working with young people.
Brooklawn is approved to provide residential care for those with either Humana or Aetna insurance.
To find out more about services visit our website: