British Lasik and Cosmetic Surgery Center

British Lasik and Cosmetic Surgery Center specializes in Wellness and Fitness Services with 11 employees
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About British Lasik and Cosmetic Surgery Center
The British Lasik and Cosmetic Surgery Center is one of the leading centers in the Middle East & Gulf regions helping people improve their vision and decrease their dependency on glasses or contact lenses and is one of the most prestigious centers in Dubai. Since it was established in 2003, it has developed a reputation of efficient service in the field of ophthalmology, dental and cosmetics surgery. With staff that includes experienced doctors, dentists and support personnel the center is also able to provide facilities for most cosmetic surgeries with the latest advanced medical equipment technology with outstanding standards in the outpatient services. The Centre is committed to providing the highest levels of professional expertise and patient care. At all times we are understanding and respectful of our clients’ individual needs and it is our aim to meet those needs to the best of our professional ability. At the British Lasik and Cosmetic Surgery Center, we go beyond creating beautiful results. Our Doctors and practitioners are known, not only for their surgical and artistic excellence, but for their ability to put patient at ease. You will find their attentive listening skills and caring manner a comfort as they guide and educate you every step of the way, from your complimentary consultation through recovery. In addition, you’ll find our team of nurses and coordinators are just as supportive and nurturing as our doctors.
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Wellness and Fitness Services
HQ Location
349 Jumeira Beach Road, Opposite to Jumeira Beach Park, PO Box: 74064. Dubai, UAE. Dubai, AE
OpthalmologyLASIK & IntraLASIKDentistryCosmetic Surgery
British Lasik and Cosmetic Surgery Center Location
  • 349 Jumeira Beach Road, Opposite to Jumeira Beach Park, PO Box: 74064. Dubai, UAE. Dubai, AE

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British Lasik and Cosmetic Surgery Center specializes in the Wellness and Fitness Services field

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British Lasik and Cosmetic Surgery Center specializes in the Wellness and Fitness Services field