This is Brenda Brown Entertainment. A unique, professional, one stop, full service entertainment company specializing in working closely with independent artists, authors, their management or label company (if any) on many of the critical aspects required in taking one’s career to the next level. Our mission statement is quite simple: Do the Right Thing All the Time.
At the core of the business is our relationship with Apple for both iTunes and iBooks for worldwide digital distribution of both music and book content. BBE also has an indie record label called Pure Heart Records for physical distribution of music sales through websites and retailers. BBE believes in returning to our clients the lion share of all royalties earned on a timely and professional basis for they deserve a decent return for their hard work and dedication to their craft.
Surrounding our core business is a renowned palette of full Management Services both Personal and Business which allows BBE the ability to manage or assist in practically all aspects of an artist’s career. In addition to being a premier digital content provider with iTunes and iBooks, BBE is proficient at creating and implementing complete social and media marketing campaigns, website and fan page creations and preparing detailed Business planning featuring both Investment Prospectuses for raising monies to developing detailed financial “road maps” for future planning.