The best wholesale buying experience online:
discover the wide range of designer clothing,
shoes, bags and accessories from over 120 original fashion brands.
We’ve accumulated a great deal of experience in the fashion business since we launched in 2006, and also in developing innovative logistics solutions, making full use of the potential for online sales and digital transformation.
Technology, fashion, outstanding distribution & logistics.
That’s what we’re all about, and we do it speedily, flexibly, and with passion. A distinctive service that’s made us a benchmark in the B2B fashion industry for anyone who wants to make a success of their business idea.
Brandsdistribution provides services for retailers, chain stores, online shops and large online retailers, to give their business a boost in the fashion sector.
Our retail partners rely on Bransdistribution services every day, with complete confidence in our guaranteed original products and outstanding logistics and distribution service.
We have a long history of innovation and accreditation that underpin our success in terms of the services we provide and our digital fashion projects.
A winning business model confirmed in 2017 by the admission to the programme by Borsa Italiana ELITE, that chose Brandsdistribution among the Italian companies with a high growth potential selected by the London Stock Exchange Group.
Retail Apparel and Fashion, Retail trade, clothing, General traders, department and retail stores, Retail & Traders, Online retailers/e-commerce
HQ Location
Via Varallo 24/B
Torino, Italy 101053, IT
Wholesale clothingWholesale accessoriesDropshippingE-commerceFashion DistributionLogisticsand Consulting ExpertiseFashion DistributioConsulting Expertise