As the only organized voice for the brain injury community in Nova Scotia, we are committed to building a community of support for brain injuries through programs, education, resources, and tireless advocacy for better supports and services for brain injuries across Nova Scotia.
Brain injury survivors and their families look to us every day as a resource and touchstone of support across the spectrum of brain injury.
In the past 5 years, we have:
-Co-chaired the "Realizing Potential: Acquired Brain Injury Strategy Project" commissioned by the Department of Health and Wellness, leading to milestone public funding for various projects to build the foundations of a true continuum of care, supports, and services.
-Collaborated & stewarded on all projects associated with this funding with the IWK, NSHA, Peter's Place, Strongest Families Institute.
-Opened NS' first purpose-built community space for brain injury survivors and their families.
-Increased the size of our community/membership by more than 1,000%
-Enhanced programming and education for brain injury survivors, their families, & care providers across the province. Including the LoveYourBrain Yoga Program, Neurorehabilitation Training, & Caregiver Support Training.
-Hosted the groundbreaking Concussion Round Table series to pull together multiple sectors to build consensus on best practices, identify gaps in existing care, and improve access to evidence-based care.