Bombay Cambridge International School is a dynamic institution, with a high reputation for its academic results, it’s highly student sensitive school environment, its experienced and trained educators, and it's bright and friendly student body.
The school offers the Cambridge Primary and Secondary courses, as well as Advanced Levels (Science, Commerce and Humanities).
The curricula balance out academic activities with extra-curricular, and provides a well-rounded programme. The active Student Council, BCG MUN, Cultural and Sports events, and celebrations incorporate the spirit of the UN SDGs, of global citizenship and building future leaders.
The school Counselling and Remedial education services have instituted the BCG SEL (Social Emotional Learning) program for all classes, to ensure students learn essential life skills that will sustain them through life. A specialized Career Awareness Program assists students in making important life choices at crucial junctures.
The schools Centre for Educational Design and Publications ensures that all learning resources for students are customized and designed to meet their developmental and academic needs. The HRD provides training to all staff and keeps them updated about managing students and developing user-friendly systems.
Our school leaders are experienced, knowledgeable and hold their students and staff to the highest standards of excellence in behavior and academics. They are guided by the Managements vision and mission, and it is their conviction that brings to life our core belief - that every child matters!
Welcome aboard Bombay Cambridge International School, where we model excellence at every step.