Boddhi Tree Foundation is inspired from The Boddhi Tree, the tree under which Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment. The tree family - banyan, peepal among others - has inspired not just our name but also what we do. The Boddhi Tree is the symbol of universal unity, oneness of environment with living beings and above all, it symbolise heavenly blessings, wisdom and enlightenment; which is essential for Humankind. Boddhi Tree Foundation team believes in compassion for all.
This World Tree, The Boddhi-Tree, unites the Universe because all sentient beings are welcome to gain as much wisdom as their minds can hold. But it is a long journey to that state, for the traveller must unravel the current life and many other past lives to see the components that have been woven together into the patterns of life. Then the strands must be woven again, to create a mind capable and worthy of returning to the source. Similarly, we also seek to join hands with different likeminded organisations and individuals from social and development sectors.
We wish to evolve ourselves to transform from present state to the much developed, inspiring, peaceful, and united state. The Boddhi Tree is a symbolic representation of the individual's journey to infinity. As the seed which begins tiny and hard grows open and free, so should the mind and heart. The tree is rooted in the ground as the self is rooted in matter. But the seed grows beyond the ground, as it perceives its environment, cares about it, and ultimately leaves the limitations of the body and matter behind. The branches reach towards the heaven, yet the vines of the banyan reach towards the earth. Such is the state of mankind; always being pulled in opposite directions. One direction is freedom, ultimate liberation, and the transcendence of boundaries. The other direction is security, rootedness, comfort, and tradition; the self that will not turn away from the earth.