Blockchain Commission For Sustainable Development

Civic and Social Organizations · 2 Employees
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Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development was established to develop a multi-sectoral framework to support the United Nations system, along with Member States, Intergovernmental Organizations, the private sector and civil society, in utilizing blockchain-based technologies to develop local, national and global solutions for the most pressing issues of our day. The Commission envisions the development of radically creative decentralized solutions to issues including; conservation of natural resources, protection of the commons, economic growth, empowerment of all communities, financial inclusion and security, public health and welfare, civic trust and protection of the integrity of democratic systems—among others—for the benefit of our common humanity. The Commission suggests that the transformative power of blockchain technology should not be seen as a threat to existing systems of governance; rather, it should be seen as an opportunity for national and international institutions to defend the rights of those they represent, and to accelerate our collective progress towards meeting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The Commission has launched Blockchain for Impact (BFI), a collaborative convening, advocacy and action platform designed to serve the growing community of conscious leadership reflecting the full breadth of the global blockchain ecosystem. Members of BFI are invited to participate in an exciting series of impact-oriented events and task forces designed to deliver profound and positive social impact around the world.
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Civic and Social Organizations
HQ Location
300 Park Avenue Suite 13031 New York, New York 10017, US
BlockchaiICOGovernmentGovernancepppPublic Private Partnershipspolicy Makerinnovatiofinance
  • 300 Park Avenue Suite 13031 New York, New York 10017, US

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