In the heart of Cadboro Bay village, our unique DAY SPA, VICTORIA BC will give you a holiday from your daily life. With our pure aromatic scents and luxurious spa treatments you will be swept away from today's fast pace world. We are unique in that we appreciate the relationship we have with our clients and look forward to your next spa treatment.
Our Bliss staff and Owner Nicole Philibert have been taking great care in the services we provide and the products we use for over 14 years. We are licensed estheticians graduating from the top schools like Blanche Macdonald Center in Vancouver and Aveda Institute here in Victoria. Also on staff our Registered Massage therapist along with our estheticians all have a minimum of 5-20 years experience in the industry. We love what we do and want your Bliss experience to be one you'll remember and tell your friends about!