Black Men’s Xchange (BMX) is the first organization for same gender loving (SGL), and bisexual African-descended males to actually locate itself geographically within Black communities. Black Men’s Xchange (BMX) conducts activities that promote constructive leadership, decision making, a healthy life-style and social-justice.
BMX affirms and educates Black men while providing tools for self-determination, community responsibility, self-actualization and the prevention of health threats (e.g. HIV, isolation, substance and other addictions and mental instability).
Uniquely, BMX specializes in recruiting and involving Black males – ages 18 and up – who identify as SGL, gay, bisexual and even heterosexual. Many Black men, not necessarily identifying as gay/lesbian or with mainstream gay/lesbian culture, without BMX, have no safe or affirming space or community within which they can seek and achieve healing, affirmation self- acceptance and fellowship.