Black Bear’s Film Festival’s mission: we are committed to producing a film festival program that embraces the essence of the art of film making and thought-provoking in content. We are in support of innovative and independent films, artistic expression, education, diversity, and cultural enhancement. We strive to provide an engaging and exciting community experience for film makers to debut their films, as well as a fun film festival experience for our attendees.
In addition to the engaging films, the opening night gala is an elegant kickoff to a weekend that is sure to be a smash hit for all. Free events and films are offered in addition to the ticketed main features, and the reach of films we screen is further nurtured through those who travel in just for the event. The creative energy can be felt throughout the town and the heartfelt commitment to the artistry of film making is unshakable. The innovative subject matter, coupled with the unparalleled dedication from the team effort required to pull off such a stellar weekend event, is noteworthy and speaks to our commitment to the arts and community.