Bizness Analytics Inc is founded on the simple yet crucial principle that over 90% of the organisations ignore when it comes to doing business: Balanced utilization of the ‘3-P’s of big data – People. Process. Platforms
What we offer:
A comprehensive range of tools, backed by scientifically developed training and learning resources which help the managers on the three most critical goals of modern businesses:
• More profitable decision making
• Alignment with Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) Framework
• Create, drive and manage the culture of innovation
Over 90% of the businesses today are drowning under vast amount of information available yet unable to use it for their benefit, or to realize the common goal of sustainable corporate citizenship.
• The ‘big data’ is not helping majority of managers despite investments in latest technology,
• There is a huge gap when it comes to implementing buzz words like “innovation”, ‘data driven decision making’ and ‘sustainable development’.
• We have the talent and resources to develop predictive analytics and business intelligence solutions, supported by ample training and learning resources that educate, guide and enable the managers to utilize all of it, with better results, more profitable decision making and bridge the gaps.