A non-profit foundation providing the cure of comfort to children with critical illnesses in Michigan.
With plans for a career as a pediatric oncologist, Billy Wondergem was passionate about caring for others—especially children with life threatening illnesses. Following graduation from Calvin College, Billy worked as a research technician in the cancer genetics lab at the Van Andel Institute where he published his work and sought to involve others in Renal Cell Carcinoma research. Following Billy’s untimely death in 2010, his legacy lives on through the work of the Billy Bear Hug Foundation.
The Billy Bear Hug Foundation has established partnerships with a growing number of organizations in order to bring joy and comfort to children experiencing serious illnesses and their families. Teddy bears given to children at various Michigan children's hospitals and hospice programs chase the pain, bring a twinkle to the eyes, and joy to families. When a young boy with terminal cancer wanted Spiderman to help him celebrate his birthday, the BBHF made it happen. We have been able to fulfill wishes for youngsters to attend special events, families to celebrate one last holiday together, and accessories for children undergoing chemotherapy.
In 2012, the BBHF established a Youth Advisory Board—a group of outstanding high school youth who volunteer with the Foundation and explore career opportunities as they share in the leadership of our community.
Community Services
HQ Location
100 Michigan NE, MC-004
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503, US
Comfort care for children with critical illnessesPartnerships with organizationsYouth advisory board leadership
Teddy bears for childrenSpecial event attendance for youngstersLast holiday celebrations for familiesAccessories for chemotherapy patients