Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Arizona wants all children to achieve success in life.
Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported, one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. National research has shown that Big/Little relationships have direct and measurable impact on the lives of children:
46% are less likely to begin using illegal drugs
27% are less likely to begin using alcohol
52% are less likely to skip school
Little Brothers and Little Sisters are also more confident in life and in school and better able to get along with friends and family.
Volunteers are also impacted by the program. Time and again we hear from Big Brothers and Big Sisters how much richer and fulfilling their lives are with Littles by their side.
Make an impact and mentor a child in our community. Change starts with you.
#SOAZBIGS #DefendersofPotential