Our vision : All young people realize their potential
For over 100 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters has been championing the health and wellbeing of youth. We step in before it’s too late, to help prevent the physical and mental effects of adverse childhood experiences. We ensure children as young as 6 are supported by caring adults as they overcome these adversities, helping them to do better in life – physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and academically Our Intervention helps ensure children as young as 6 are supported by caring adults as they overcome these adversities, helping them to do better in life.
WE CHANGE LIVES! We match young people facing adversity with trained adult mentors in 1-1 or group mentoring programs. Mentoring is an important way to give youth experience with these essential back-and-forth relationships, developing them into healthy young people better able to deal with and overcome life’s adversities.
The trauma from adverse childhood experiences can last a lifetime, and without early intervention, can define a lifetime. But we can help prevent the physical and mental effects that childhood trauma can lead to. At Big Brothers Big Sisters, we champion the health and wellbeing of youth by stepping in before it’s too late, to give every child a chance to reach their full potential.