BiG Productions is the result of 18 years experience of Gi Orman,along with the help of a group of passionate and trusted production, graphic, and creative professionals they have encountered along the way. Gi Orman found his creative calling while volunteering at a summer camp for kids with cancer where he took over the media services, and since then has worked mainly with slew of non-profit organizations turning out first rate campaigns. He has produced, written and edited projects for organizations of all types and sizes, from cancer to politics and documentaries. The last five years of his work reflect his passion and creative maturity going to work to raise money for great causes. Whether it's the branding campaign for SINAI schools, or produce short films to help families going threw the horrors of cancer, or creating viral videos for education to help the next generation choose their schools of higher education, the BiG teams are dedicated to participating in helping build the future of our planet.