Bhutanese society of Kentucky (acronymed BSK) is a community based non-profit organization formed in 2009. Resettlement in Louisville began in 2008, few families arriving as early as June.
When more families arrived in 2009, it was felt the need to have a community organization that can advocate on behalf of the people with language barrier, and to ensure the preservation of collective values and cultural heritages of Bhutanese people in general. The idea behind forming the community organization grew over time and there were strong suggestions from the resettlement agencies to have a community organization soon.
The first welcome program organized by the community in Louisville in April/May 2009 produced a wave of encouragement to initiate the process of incorporation. By August 2009, Bhutanese Society of Kentucky was registered with the state.
Initially, BSK organized the cultural programs, Nepali New year celebration, annual cultural events, Dashain and Deepawali celebration, not excluding the annual sports.
In September 2010, election was held in all places of settlement and a new executive and board comprising twenty-one members was formed. The most important of all, the executive committee established a network of relationship with other ethnic organizations and also with the concerned agencies. BSK ventured a partnership with Somali Bantu Community of Kentucky and Karen community too. Unfortunately, this partnership did not yield fruit. No official transaction was done with any third party on behalf of BSK.
While, some energetic and self-motivated youths continue to take leadership of BSK, less is done to have a physical office and help in case management of people after a year of resettlement. However, a number of family dispute cases were settled. Now in 2015, the board of BSK is reorganized and reconstituted, with officials selected, and official conduct formalized.