Since 1994 Belman has expertly designed and manufactured of Expansion Joints and piping bellows. Our Expansion Joints and brand are well-known and preferred worldwide within industries like; energy, nuclear, oil & gas, engineering, metallurgical and shipping. Design, engineering, testing and production take place in Denmark and at our subsidiary in United Kingdom. Belman are known for high quality, flexibility, responsiveness, short and accurate delivery times and customized solutions.
Belman offers a wide range of customized CE-marked expansion joints sized DN 40 to DN 6000 (units up to DN 12.000 in segments) in circular- and rectangular types and also FCC. Belman holds several certificates and approvals.
Our loyal customers all over the world are both medium-sized companies to international groups and they are serviced via a competent network of partners, local offices and own sales staff.
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing, Metal Bellows, Bellows, Machinery, Tools & Supplies, Metal-to-Rubber Expansion Joint Condenser Conversion, Optoelectronics Diffusers, Process Equip. & Components, Process Equipment, Machinery and equipment for offshore platforms, Oil and gas industry plant and equipment
HQ Location
Oddesundvej 18
Esbjerg, 6715, DK
Design and manufacture of steel expansion jointsResponsiveness & FlexibilityOnsite servicesCAD3D illustrationFinite Element AnalysisMember of EURO-QUALIFLEXDesign according to EJMAASMEEN 13445 etc.