Bedaya Fund is a Private Equity General fund with special focus on developing the SME's segment in Egypt. The Fund is managed by Al Ahly for Development and Investment (ADI) and Cairo Financial Holding (CFH).
Established in 2014 through an initiative by the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI), Bedaya is the first SME dedicated fund with investments in the fields of medical supplies, medical care, IT and lighting systems. The Fund has equity stake in the following Companies:
1- Alshroouk Scan
Alshroouk is Egypt’s fastest growing scanning and Radiology Company. with a growing Network of branches, Alshroouk utilized the modest advanced Scanning and Radiology equipment in Egypt through a strategic partnership with GE Healthcare.
2- Nabda Care
Nabda is an IT developmend company focusing on building holistic cloud medico-social platforms and Solutions.
3- The Egyptian Company for Glove Industries “EGY Glove”.
EGY Glove is the first Egyptain Company specialized in the manufacturing the selling of Latex Gloves.
4- Bedaya for Lighting Systems
Bedaya for Lighting Systems is one of Egypt’s fastest growing LED manufacturing and distribution companies.