BeArty is a technology company making art from global artists, and images from global brands, affordable and accessible to everyone.
Vizzio Art
A disruptive technology empowering consumers and companies to change the artworks on their walls at any time. A proprietary mobile app communicating directly with your Smart TV.
Vizzio Art will become the “Spotify of Wall Art”.
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BeArty Art-Printed Products
Wide selection of printed products incorporating passion-inspired artworks that “beautify your life”. Affordable products (Wall Art, Fashion and Tech) available on state-of-the-art e-commerce site.
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IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
GB,Greater London,London,W1B 3HH
poster printsart printst-shirt printscanvas printsWall ArtFashion itemsTech accessoriesDigital Wall ArtDigital screensTechnology