Baty Otto Scheer P.C.

Baty Otto Scheer P.C. specializes in Legal Services with 11 employees
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About Baty Otto Scheer P.C.
Baty Otto Scheer P.C. is a full-service law firm committed to providing high-quality legal representation to clients across practices and industries at national, regional, and local levels. From multiple locations in the central U.S.—Kansas City, where we span the state line between Missouri and Kansas; St. Louis, where we intersect with Illinois; and Springfield, Missouri, the Queen City of the Ozarks—we provide legal services to major retail chains, national and regional trucking companies, construction companies, design professionals (architects and engineers), physicians and hospitals, domestic and foreign manufacturers, colleges and universities, school districts, government agencies, municipalities, individuals, and more. Our litigators are well-regarded for their depth and breadth of experience in handling significant injury and damages claims alleging construction defect, trucking and transportation liability, products liability, professional liability, governmental liability, and claims arising from employment law. They defend client rights and interests in these areas of the law in critical mediations, at trial, through arbitration, and on appeal. Baty Otto Scheer’s clients have become accustomed to a partner to oversee their case and legal strategies individualized to the dispute in which they are involved.
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Legal Services
HQ Location
4435 Main Street Suite 1100 Kansas City, Missouri 64111, US
Baty Otto Scheer P.C. Location
  • 4435 Main Street Suite 1100 Kansas City, Missouri 64111, US
  • 1855 South Ingram Mill Road Suite 207 Springfield, Missouri 65804, US
  • 7777 Bonhomme Avenue Suite 2150 St. Louis, MO 63105, US

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Baty Otto Scheer P.C. specializes in the Legal Services field

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Baty Otto Scheer P.C. specializes in the Legal Services field