Baker Tilly Bishkek is a professional team of public accountants, appraisers, auditors and tax specialists with significant experience in global audit firms. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals, who possess or are in the process of reception internationally recognized certificates ACCA, certified auditors and appraisers of the Kyrgyz Republic, members of audit and accounting unions. Our employees have significant experience in audit and consulting of banking, microfinance and other financial institutions, insurance and leasing companies, service and manufacturing industries, mining industry, energy and non-commercial organizations on the territories of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.
Baker Tilly Bishkek possesses audit license #0049 issued by the State Committee on Review and Regulation of the financial market of the Kyrgyz Republic. Our Firm meets all requirements set by the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic for audit of commercial banks.
We provide audit, valuation, tax and accounting services at the highest professional level in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (the “ISA”), International Financial Reporting Standards (the “IFRS”), International Valuation Standards (the “IVS”) and local legislation requirements.
Baker Tilly Bishkek is an independent member of Baker Tilly International, one of the world's leading networks of independently owned and managed accountancy and business advisory firms united by a commitment to provide exceptional client service both on local and international markets. Baker Tilly International network supports members development through trainings, conferences and academic collaborations and enables professionals to serve clients using the global resources and expertise.
The Firm became market leader due to combination of growth, priority of delivery high-quality services and reasonable pricing policy.