Backus Burden

Backus Burden specializes in Law Practice with 11 employees
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About Backus Burden
Backus Burden is primarily a civil litigation firm handling complex business, construction, real estate and healthcare litigation. The firm's goal is to provide aggressive, cost-efficient legal representation to clients through the enhanced use of technology, while affording clients the personal attention expected from a small law firm. Every member of the firm has the experience needed to provide superb counsel on a wide variety of legal issues and each takes pride in meeting the needs of the client and exceeding expectations. Cases in which the firm has been involved locally and nationally include: Construction, Real Estate Litigation, Business Litigation, Products Liability, Health care, Premises Liability, Insurance, Tribal Indian and Gaming, Employment, Civil litigation, Business organization, Restaurant and Food Liability, Commerical Litigation, Lender Liability Litigation, Arbitration/Mediation Services, Professional Liability, and Complex and Mass Tort Litigation
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Law Practice
HQ Location
3050 South Durango Drive Las Vegas, NV 89117, US
Civil litigationConstruction litigationReal estate litigationBusiness litigationHealthcare litigationPremises liabilityInsurance litigationTribal Indian and gaming litigationEmployment litigationBusiness organizationRestaurant and food liabilityCommercial litigationLender liability litigationArbitration and mediationProfessional liabilityComplex and mass tort litigation
Civil litigation servicesConstruction litigationReal estate litigationBusiness litigationHealthcare litigationPremises liability servicesInsurance litigationTribal Indian and gaming litigationEmployment litigationBusiness organization servicesRestaurant and food liability servicesCommercial litigationLender liability litigationArbitration and mediation servicesProfessional liability servicesComplex and mass tort litigation
Civil LitigatioConstructioInsuranceEmployment
Backus Burden Location
  • 3050 South Durango Drive Las Vegas, NV 89117, US

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