Baba Automobile training workshop is service sector company It was established in 2015 with the thought of improving the practical knowledge of Engineering students. The owner of the company Nimesh Baba is also graduate engineer in Mechanical stream having a extreme experience in the fields of Automobile sector. our training fields are Automobile training, Car Transformer training, Luxury car training, co car and drag racing car (hand made car by student). We are the only company in All over India which provide training to Generate Car Transformer by students. our training courses are of 15 days,30 days, 2 months excellent Environment, reasonable Fees. Material for students, Depth of knowledge.
MISSION: Providing Practical knowledge and Generating Needs of Training in the minds of students in the field of Automobile So that Our student get good Position in the Industries.
VISION: To Become a Best Training Center in India in the field of Automobile.