BUTEKOM specializes in Research Services with 11 employees
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“Textile Technology Working Groups” (TTÇG) is formed by Uludağ Textile Exporters Union (UTİB) in 2007 with the participation of the relevant organizations and associations around Bursa to make a vision for the future of Turkey’s Textile Sector. As a consequence of the operations of TTÇG, it is predicted to establish a “Research Center” by preparing a report shared by public opinion in January, 2008. To reach this aim, a company of which UTİB & “Uludağ Ready to Wear and Confection Exporters Union” (UHKİB) are the owners has been established on August 18th, 2008 under the name of “Uludağ Exporters Union, Bursa Textile and Confection Technology, Education, Research, Consultancy and Energy Efficiency Services” (BUTEKOM) BUTEKOM’ s purpose is to encourage and support the textile and apparel companies in and around Bursa for the production of innovative technical textiles and apparel products, for the development of high value-added fashion and brand named products, for the increased energy efficiency and to establish necessary training, coordination and communication on time between sector joint owners. Additionally, BUTEKOM is responsible from the guiding and focusing of the random R&D activities of textile and apparel companies primarily UİB members in and around Bursa.
Year Founded
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Research Services
HQ Location
Çiğdem 2. Sokak No: 1/4 BTSO - BUTEKOM DOSAB Demirtaş Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Teknoloji Yerleşkesi, Bursa 16245, TR
TekstilTeknik TekstilKompozitOtomotivSavunmUzay ve HavacılıkTest ve AnalizMuayeneProje ve Teknik DestekAr-Ge
BUTEKOM Location
  • Çiğdem 2. Sokak No: 1/4 BTSO - BUTEKOM DOSAB Demirtaş Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Teknoloji Yerleşkesi, Bursa 16245, TR

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BUTEKOM specializes in the Research Services field