BLCK VC Canada is transforming the Venture Capital industry to mirror the diverse demographics of the Canadian VC space. Entrepreneurship is a crucial component of achieving economic equality; it is a vehicle to build wealth, develop future leaders, and strengthen communities. BLCK VC Canada aims to support this ecosystem by increasing diversity and opportunity within the industry.
BLCK VC Canada is the Canadian capture of BLCK VC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that equips Black investors with the access, education, and community they need to accelerate their careers in venture capital. We do not accept the status quo; we are driving the industry forward by pushing venture capital firms to become more inclusive in their hiring, deal flow, and portfolios.
Venture firms in the United States invested over $130 billion annually, however, Black investors have systematically been excluded from mobilizing this capital. Today, only 3% of venture capital investors are Black; additionally, only 2% of partners–individuals who make investment decisions–at venture firms are Black.
Over the past few years, there has been slow and sporadic progress within venture capital to become more inclusive. BLCK VC aims to transform venture capital into an inclusive engine for change and generational wealth creation by shifting the demographics of the venture industry to mirror the diversity of this nation. In the short term, we strive to double the percentage of Black investors and Black partners in venture capital to 6% and 4%, respectively, by 2024.