BKH Inspection Services, LLC is a nationwide third party construction materials testing and nondestructive testing laboratory that has been family owned and operated since 2002, with extensive experience bridging across numerous industries including: commercial, residential, industrial, railroad, transportation, fabrication, waste management, power, water, oilfield, offshore, aeronautics, robotics and automotive. We view every day as a new day, and as a new beginning. There is always new information to absorb every day, no matter what profession you are a part of or the amount of knowledge attained. If we as a company do not learn something daily, we feel we have accomplished nothing. Learning elements from our daily activities, whether large or small, assist us in giving you, our customers, partners, clients, business/ professional colleagues what you deserve: open two-way communication with specialized technical information and input that assists you with your current and future projects. We have the capacity to be wherever you need us in a timely manner, and the knowledge to perform our requested duties to the fullest extent possible, while helping you understand the requirements and aspects of what we are performing.
HQ Location
P.O. Box 2472
Burleson, TX 76097, US
Construction materials testingNondestructive testingTechnical information provisionProject assistance
Third-party construction materials testingNondestructive testing services
AWS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI)ASNT NDT Level IINondestructive Testing (NDT)ICC S1 & S2 Special InspectorUltrasonic Testing (UT)Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)Liquid Dye Penetrant Testing (PT)Quality AssuranceQuality ControlNDT