BGS has been active in the development and delivery of career services for over 30 years. During our operation, we have provided training sessions in locations throughout Western Canada to various levels of government and to the private sector. We have extensive experience developing, customizing, managing and administering career development programs, and their included components. We firmly believe in providing quality service and support for participants to assist them in reaching their personal, professional and career related goals. We strive to keep our training and materials fresh and responsive by incorporating new resources, relevant examples and thought-provoking activities that apply the learning to the participant’s situation.
Our professional services include personalized Career Consulting and training sessions in the areas of Management Development, Retention Strategies for Older Workers, Building a Positive Attitude, Creating an Image of Success, Conflict Resolution, Business Etiquette, Leadership for New Managers, Team Building, Communication, and a wide variety of career development topics. We are an organization that understands the needs of individual jobseekers, community groups and the business community.