BFCN or Buy from China now began as a way to allow people or companies with little or no experience buy from the far east and still get the same competitive prices as the larger importers. We import many containers every month either for our clients or for our own businesses. We have companies registered in the UK and in China allowing us to do business quickly and efficiently in Asia. Trawling through Alibaba can be tireless especially when the Chinese factory does not take you seriously once you have found the product you are looking for. We want to help you source the ideal product for your range, Organise all of the delivery costs and bill it into the price so you get the item from the factory right to your door hassle free. You will not even have to worry about import duties as we will arrange everything for you and give you a transparent cost. For us no customer is to small we have worked with large eCommerce companies, eBay and Amazon sellers and events companies all over Europe.