Berma Macchine S.R.L.

Machinery Manufacturing, Broaching - machine tools, Metals - Machines & Equipment · 2 Employees
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Dal 1974, BERMA ti aiuta a trovare la soluzione, standard o personalizzata, più adatta alla tua esigenza di identificazione, marcatura e oggi anche di automazione robotizzata collaborativa. La nostra gamma che comprende sistemi di marcatura a micropercussione e laser, rappresenta un punto di riferimento del settore per la provata robustezza, affidabilità e facilità d'uso. Since 1974 BERMA’s staff help you to find the best solution, standard or customized, for your needs of identification, marking and robotized collaborative automations. Our product range includes dot peen and laser marking systems represent today a benchmark for robustness, reliability and user friendly software.
Year Founded
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Machinery Manufacturing, Broaching - machine tools, Metals - Machines & Equipment, Mechanical Engineering & Industry - Equipment, Broaches - machine tools, Printing and marking machinery and equipment for rubber, Rubber and plastic industry plant and equipment, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Plastics, Printing and marking machines for plastics, Rubber processing machinery and equipment
HQ Location
Via San Vitale, 33 Z. I. Canaletti Budrio, Bologna 40054, IT
Marcatura a micropercussioneMarcatura laserMarcatura a punzoniIntegrazione marcatori in automazioniAutomazioni robotizzateand Cobot
  • Via San Vitale, 33 Z. I. Canaletti Budrio, Bologna 40054, IT

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Machinery Manufacturing, Broaching - machine tools, Metals - Machines & Equipment

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