Welcome to BDÜ e.V., the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators in Germany. With a membership of over 7,500 translators and interpreters, BDÜ is the industry's largest professional association in Germany. BDÜ represents about 80% of all translators and interpreters organised in a professional association in Germany and has been defending the interests of its individual members and the profession as a whole since 1955. Headquartered in Berlin, BDÜ e.V. is an umbrella organization to 12 regional associations as well as one specialised branch, the Association of Conference Interpreters (Verband der Konferenzdolmetscher – VKD) within the BDÜ. To its members, BDÜ offers a wide range of benefits including broad networking opportunities, professional trainings, a well-frequented online database for finding qualified translators and interpreters or specialised types of insurance (some of which are available exclusively to members residing in Germany).