AxoSim empowers advancements in human neuroscience by partnering with biopharma companies to facilitate breakthroughs in devastating neurological diseases and disorders. Their proprietary drug discovery platforms NerveSim®, BrainSim®, and microBrain™ deliver clinically-relevant data to select better lead candidates with phenotypically accurate assays. AxoSim's platforms have applications in peripheral neuropathy and neuropathic pain, disease modeling (such as ALS, MS, and CMT), and neurotoxicology. Is your organization interested in learning more about what we do? Please email us at
Biotechnology Research
HQ Location
1441 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70112, US
Human neuroscienceNeurological disease researchDrug discoveryPeripheral neuropathyNeuropathic painALS disease modelingMS disease modelingCMT disease modelingNeurotoxicology
NerveSim®BrainSim®microBrain™Drug discovery platformsPhenotypically accurate assays
Drug DevelopentPreclinical TestingNeurotoxicityNeuroefficacy3D Cell AssaysNeurodegenerative Disease ModelsMyelination ModelsNerve-on-a-ChipOrgan-on-a-ChipPeripheral Neuropathy