At Axis we represent select special situations and private investment opportunities to some of the largest and most sophisticated global investors who are looking for investment ideas that will deliver high returns. We focus on mandates from $20mm to $500mm in size where we can model 20% + annual returns.
We consult with a select group of investment managers for a monthly fee focusing on all aspects of a manager’s non-investment processes, with a focus on how these processes relate to growing and retaining investment capital. We are happy to work with existing marketing teams and/or help a firm identify, review or build an internal marketing team.
We act as an outsourced sales effort targeting differentiated strategies with high risk adjusted returns at all phases of their lifecycle. We seek managers with over $50mm in remaining investment capacity. For this service we charge a fixed success fee.
Our process is informed by understanding what leads investors to say 'yes' to potential investments learned through study of human sales psychology and practiced in over a thousand meetings between investors and their potential investments. We don’t just help you to create or refine your story, we help you tell your story in a way that resonates and leads to success in attracting investment capital.