In a world predominantly concerned of making things accessible and standardized, certain elements of intangible quality have been lost along the way. Society at large no longer values what it cannot quantify. The qualitative has been reduced to the subjective, which, in turn, is dismissed as unreal, unmeasurable or straight-up non-existent. Art, poetry, organic, rhythm, fantasy–all deliberately eliminated.
People are viewed through the lens of data–their aspirations as part of the user experience. Dignity has faded away and courage is attributed to history. Removing qualities and traits that make us human results in a society without a soul, like a group of mercenaries–conformist, distant, merciless.
The people of AxelMondrian believe otherwise. We are here to dignify people, signify stories, and make complex data meaningful. We are here to unlock greatness. It can happen. It will happen.