Avanti Environmental, Inc. founded in 1990, is a Licensed Engineering Contractor. focused on fugitive emissions leak detection and repair (LDAR).Headquartered in Southern California, With nationwide capabilities, Avanti assists its clients with environmental regulatory compliance, associated primarily with regional and federal clean air regulations, air permitting and emissions reporting, especially for the oil & gas industry, both onshore and offshore, refineries, chemical plants, pharmaceutical plants, and liquids bulk storage terminals.
The mission of Avanti Environmental is to achieve the highest quality of customer service, delivered with attention to the principles of integrity, individual pride, safety and responsiveness.
Avanti Environmental is committed to providing its employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning, advancement and personal growth. Innovation and creativity are encouraged, and employees are provided the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every Avanti customer.
Environmental Services
Main Products
Consulting Services, Business: EnvironmentalLeak Detection Services - Serving CaliforniaEnvironmental Permitting Services: Air DischargeComputer & Data Processing Equipment Repair & MaintenanceLeak Detection ServicesComputer & Data Processing Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Serving CaliforniaEnvironmental Permitting Services: Air Discharge - Serving CaliforniaAutomotive Air Conditioning Repair Shops - Serving CaliforniaConsulting Services, Business: Environmental - Serving CaliforniaAutomotive Air Conditioning Repair Shops
Fugitive emissions leak detection and repair (LDAR)Environmental regulatory complianceAir permittingEmissions reportingClean air regulations
Fugitive emissions leak detection and repair (LDAR)Environmental regulatory complianceAir permittingEmissions reporting