Avanti Cigar Co is a producer of all-tobacco cigars in the United States, all natural, 100% Kentucky tobacco from Tennessee and Kentucky - the only cigars dry cured in the United States of America. Main brands are Parodi, Avanti, De Nobili and Petri.
Avanti’s Cigars Co originated in 1901 when Dominic Anthony and Frank Suraci left their small Italian village in Calabria to begin a new life in New York City. Familiar with the small hand-rolled cigars known as TOSCANO, the Suracis saw an opportunity to capitalize on their love of these cigars.
Avanti means “forward” in Italian, and that’s the direction the company will continue to move.
Tobacco Manufacturing, Tobacco and tobacco products, Food, Agriculture & Food, Cigars, Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers, Wholesale and Real Trade, Tobacco Products
HQ Location
200 Keystone Industrial Park
Dunmore, Pennsylvania 18512, US
ring gaugewooden traysdried fruittobacco leavesaromatic woodtobacco balesyellow packsmoky roasted aromatichickory and oakwet cigars