Authentic Roots Therapy is a mental health collaborative where licensed professionals provide individual, couple, & family mental health therapy in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We specialize in working with children, couples, families, LGBTQIA+ individuals, individuals who are questioning, curious, transitioning, or identifying as transgender/non-binary, mothers in postpartum, faith communities, individuals experiencing traumatic symptomatology, and highly sensitive men. In addition, at Authentic Roots it is a value of ours that we work to create a safe space for all.
We desire to be a place where strength, resilience, and healing are developed. We desire to be a voice that guides others home to their truest and most authentic self, and to do so without the impingement of shame and guilt. At Authentic Roots we strive to be a place where all are welcome at the table and all are given invitations to be fully known and fully loved.