Here’s the Opportunity for Educators*: (*We use the word educator broadly – teacher, coach, supervisor,
parent, etc.)
Imagine being able to answer a parent that asks: ‘why should I send my child to your school?’ and you’re able to answer with: ‘besides being academically prepared for the future, 1. your child will be clear about their unique mission, 2. able to build character strength, and 3. make principled decisions’ to build
Authentic Leadership using what we call their Framework for Life.
Why should you care? Isn’t that the dream every parent has for their child, no matter how old? The dream that their child becomes an Authentic Leader to
lead themselves and others?
How do we respond to this opportunity? We deliver leadership strength training for youth & educators to create their Framework for Life to:
Execute mission
Build character strength
Make principled decisions
What’s the Outcome?
Lead stronger
Improve results i.e. improved leadership bench strength, institutional culture, student & family personal growth, teaching, test scores, enrollment, and finances
What do we need from you to make this outcome happen?
Include the Authentic Leadership Foundation in your regular prayer intentions
Educate yourself on the leadership strength training language, process, and metrics so you are clear ‘why’ you’re involved, ‘what’ you should do (donate some volunteer time, a specific talent, money, evangelization effort to other educators), schedule time to do it, and execute faithfully
What are the next steps?
Tell us if you’re able to help and in what way you’re able to help
Read the overview slides on the website resources page
Use the resources on the website and accept invitations to educational opportunities as you are able
Read the 'Weekly Truth' and watch the 'Stronger Leadership in 60 Seconds' videos posted on LI and sent to email subscribers