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Access 268 Verified Employees Profiles for Austrian Agency For Health And Food SafetyUnlock Free Contacts Now
The Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) is a company of the Republic of Austria, owned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism. AGES was founded on 1st June, 2002.
AGES supports the management of the federal ministries and the two federal agencies subordinated to it in questions relating to public health, animal health, food safety, medical and drug safety, food security and consumer protection along the food chain by providing professional and independent scientific expertise (as stated in Article 8 of the Austrian Health and Food Safety Act).
Healthy life for humans, animals and plants!
Business of Ages:
AGES’s main tasks comprise examinations and assessments according to the regulations stated in the Austrian Food Act, among others. Human and veterinary examinations are also part of the programme to prevent and combat the spread of communicable and non-communicable diseases in the local population. Clean agricultural facilities and the ensuring of Austria’s competitiveness are further contributions made by AGES to food safety, in addition to the absence of animal epidemics. AGES examines the safety and effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and medical products to protect sick people.
AGES evaluates risks, provides risk communications, gives risk management recommendations and carries out risk management in the public sector in line with Austrian Health and Food Safety Act. These diverse activities are provided in six strategic divisions and three inter-divisional departments.