The Australian Climate Service’s vision is to advance information and knowledge that is used to enable a safer, adaptive and prosperous Australia, resilient and prepared for climate change and natural hazards.
We aim to transform Australia's capability to better understand climate and weather event related risks within Australia now and into the future through:
o providing a trusted climate and natural hazard risk evidence-base, improving this knowledge base over time
o monitoring for Australian climate and disaster risks, trends and changes
o building a national capability that better supports evidence-based decision making for climate and hazard risks.
We support both natural disaster management and climate adaptation by:
o supporting operational readiness and response for weather event-related natural hazards within Australia
o shaping and informing natural disaster risk reduction, prevention and medium to longer term climate adaptation action.
Our work requires an understanding of how climate and weather risks occur and change through time, how they affect Australia's social, built, economic and natural environments, and where our people, systems and critical infrastructure are most vulnerable.
Our work uses the best available data, science, and modelling; best practice methodologies for risk assessment; and best practice engagement approaches to provide trusted and authoritative information and advice.
The ACS is a partnership between the Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau), CSIRO, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Geoscience Australia (GA).