Austin Shakespeare is a professional (Actors Equity) theater company producing regularly now on Zoom and in the future back at the Rollins Theater (Long Center), Zilker Hillside Theater, and Richard Garriott's Curtain Theater, which is a replica of an Elizabethan Theater. Founded in 1985, Austin Shakespeare has produced FREE Shakespeare in Zilker Park, serving more than one million persons. Austin Shakespeare also visits schools in the Austin area, providing classroom activities with actors and directors teaching students to speak Shakespeare's words for themselves and understanding his ideas. Austin Shakespeare also performs in assemblies, and provides school tours of the Curtain Theater with students learning about how Shakespeare's stage impacts the way the plays are written.
HQ Location
Mailling Address P. O. Box 4589 Austin, Texas 78765
Physical Address 81 San Marcos St., Ste. C2 Austin, Texas 78702
Austin, TX 78702, US
Shakespearean actingDirecting Shakespearean playsTheater productionElizabethan theater design
Professional theater productionsZoom performancesClassroom activitiesSchool toursAssembly performances
theatertheatreShakespearerameducatiopresentation skillsrtscting classesliteracyssembly and club programs