The Atlas Project was founded after the 2004 election by Mary Beth Cahill, Steve Rosenthal and Michael Whouley to help build the institutional memory of the progressive movement.
The Atlas Project’s mission is to arm the progressive community with historical elections data, sophisticated analysis and real time updates for all 50 states. We provide political campaigns and progressive organizations with a baseline set of information to work from – helping them learn from the past to ensure more progressive victories in the future.
Not only do we provide the movement with the insight, analysis and tools to help avoid costly missteps, make better strategic decisions and ensure campaign staff are ready to meet the challenge; but we also serve as the institutional memory for progressives. No longer will the movement be forced to re-navigate the political landscape every election cycle. Instead, organizations and campaigns will know what the regional issues, personalities and politics are, sparing the movement time, money and mistakes that can cost elections.
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