Athlete Origin specializes in Staffing and Recruiting with 2 employees
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About Athlete Origin
Empowering Athletes to live successful and fulfilling lives beyond sport.
What we do for Athletes?
Our core service connects current and ex Athletes with some of the most exciting sales and business development focused career opportunities across the technology sector. We have relationships with a diverse and expanding range of companies – from innovative tech start-ups seeking talent to accelerate their business, to multi-national organisations with a huge range of opportunities globally. Our service is completely free for Athletes, just contact us to discuss how we can support you.
What we do for Companies?
We provide companies across the technology sector access to talent from a high level sporting background. Reaching an elite level in sport requires several traits which can be harnessed for high performance in sales focused careers and in future leadership roles. Exceptional drive, resilience, optimism, and a proven record of success in their chosen area are just a few of the attractive qualities that make Athletes highly sought after.
If you are an Athlete or ex Athlete interested in our services, a company or sporting organisation interested in discussing partnerships, or if you are interested in joining us to help build Athlete Origin, please get in touch!
Phone: 0141 729 8252
Instagram: @athleteorigin1