Athens Bar Association is a Legal Entity of Public Law and its ranks are currently around 22,000 members. It is governed by an 25 member Board of Directory that is elected every 3 years by global secret ballot.
The history of Athens Bar Association is characterized by long and important contribution not only to issues related to the Athens Bar community, but also to social and national happenings. Its present form was composed and established, by law, for the first time in 1909, after numerous discussions and related processes that preceded.
Since then its activity was associated with the discussion and drafting bills, organizing conferences, confronting the problems of lawyers’ profession, the creation of pension funds and the effort to improve the conditions of practice, so that ultimately imposed the dynamic current presence at the institutional level. The Athens Bar Association’s retrospective effect and activity highlights the diverse and important contribution of lawyer community in the legislative process and the overall progress of our legal culture, the constant efforts to improve the conditions of administration of Justice and the reform as an institution, the dynamic requirements of just demands of the law community, the eminent scientific initiatives that promoted our law system, as well as timeless battles in order to defend civil rights and fundamental freedoms.
Over the years the institutional position of Bar Associations of the country, hence of Athens Bar Association too, was regulated legislatively as a factual recognition of the status of its members as fundamental assistant in the administration of Justice and gradually Lawyers were established as well as to the consciousness of ordinary citizens as rights defenders and safeguards of institutions.