Assurety provides witness familiarisation training. It was set up by Paul Epstein KC, Jason Galbraith-Marten KC and Ed Williams KC, three KCs with over 75 years of trial experience between them.
We are able to help anyone who needs to get their message across and perform at their very best in an unfamiliar and challenging situation. That might be appearing in a court, tribunal or arbitration hearing, whether as a claimant, defendant or witness. It might be appearing before a public inquiry, parliamentary hearing, or professional regulatory body. Or it might be that you need to give an important speech, business presentation or pitch.
If you are facing any kind of situation where you will be under pressure to communicate clearly and effectively and respond to difficult questions, Assurety can help you do it to the best of your ability. Our training is delivered by highly skilled trainers, including senior barristers and QCs, former High Court Judges and current deputy High Court Judges, communications trainers and performance psychologists.