The Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (ACB) was founded in 1953, and is one of the oldest such Associations in the world. Based in the United Kingdom, it is a professional body dedicated to the practice and promotion of clinical science. The Association has medical and non-medical members in all major UK healthcare laboratories, in many university departments and in several commercial companies involved in healthcare. The links with its Corporate Members lead to a fruitful relationship with the clinical diagnostics industry.
The Association for Clinical Scientists in Immunology (ACSI) disbanded to merge with the ACB in 2007 and the Association of Clinical Microbiologists (ACM) similarly disbanded and merged in 2010. Therefore the ACB now forms the major body for clinical biochemistry, immunology and microbiology in the UK; providing training, professional leadership, best practices and guidance to the profession, governments, public and media . The Association liaises with, and is consulted by, many national and international organisations on issues relating to these branches of clinical science.
Membership is open to all health professionals with an interest in laboratory medicine.
Through its Federation of Clinical Scientists arm, the ACB provides the only trade union support for clinical scientists run by clinical scientists.
Within this website you will find information and links for the general public on health related matters, for the media on ACB opinions and information, and for professionals on training and careers, publications, meetings, best practice and technical matters.
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