AROW brings together a dynamic cross section of industry professionals from both the private and public sectors, all dedicated to waste reduction, recycling, product stewardship and sustainability in Wisconsin.
AROW's primary focus is to support its members and the industry through education, collaboration, and advocacy efforts. This is achieved through the work of our members participating in a variety of committees including: Communications, Marketing, and Education; Hazardous and Special Wastes, Government Affairs, Product Stewardship, Membership, Organics & Food Residuals.
Key programs include Emerging Leaders and Recycle More Wisconsin. The EL Program aims to connect professionals under 35 with other industry professionals to ensure long-term career success. Recycle More Wisconsin educates and engages the general public with quality recycling information. This includes the promotion of the waste hierarchy and, when disposal is needed, to ensure that materials are handled to ensure their highest and best use.