The Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) is an independent global not-for-profit organisation whose objective is to protect members' retirement savings from the risks posed by climate change. We aim to do this by helping funds redress the huge imbalance in their investments between high-carbon assets (50-60% of a portfolio) and low-carbon assets (typically less than 2%) and realigning the investment chain to adopt long-term investment practices. Key elements of the initiative are:
Conducting an annual survey and assessment of the world’s 1000 largest asset owners pertaining to their management of climate change risks and opportunities;
Publishing rankings of the world’s 1000 largest asset owners to allow members, stakeholders and industry to see which funds are better than others at managing climate risk;
Providing and promoting climate change best practice to drive and improve climate change management and capability of asset owners;
Developing consumer-facing programs to educate asset owner’s members or stakeholders of the financial risks associated with climate change;
Researching trends in climate risk, member behaviour and institutional investment;
Creating frameworks to encourage active ownership;