Aspiring FD’s was launched by Paul Glynn (link to Aristar Consulting) in 2016.
Having lead numerous finance departments in the Recruitment Sector, Paul understands the skill set necessary for a Finance Director to meet the needs of the business.
Paul’s experience has taught him that most SME recruitment businesses have great Finance Managers who are expected to work at Director level but without the necessary experience, mentorship or network required to do so effectively.
Aspiring FD’s is a mentorship where over the course of 6 interactive sessions Finance Managers are given the opportunity to learn from a variety of industry experts to identify where their knowledge gaps are, how they can up-skill and how to build the necessary network for an FD role.
Each course will have a maximum of 12 participants, all of whom will already be running finance teams in busy SME recruitment businesses.
Courses run throughout the year and our next course in London is expected to start in mid-November 2019.
To find out more contact Paul Glynn on