Asian Metal is an international metals market analysis and pricing index company with headquarters in Beijing. The company was founded in 2000 out of a single office in Beijing, and eventually expanded with new offices in China and to the United Kingdom and United States. Over the years, Asian Metal has developed into a leading metal markets intelligence provider, supplying up-to-date analysis on market trends and price indications.
Currently, the company has set up 12 information categories including Base Metals, Minor Metals, Ferroalloys, Rare Earths, Precious Metals, Scrap Metals, Refractories, Industrial Minerals, Steel Raw Materials, Carbon Steel, Stainless & Special. Each category provides different categories of information consisting of Domestic News (China), Regional Price(Domestic Price), Research Reports, International News, International Prices, Manufacturers News, Enterprise Recommendation, Statistical data, Analysis & Forecast, Weekly Review, Monthly Review, Industry Comments and International Trade.
By 2011, Asian Metal provided international metals market analysis, including their market price, and widely used international trade platform to serve over 100,000 companies within nonferrous metals, steel, energy and mineral industries. With the expansion into the European, African, and North and South American markets, the company now provides its services to almost 200 countries worldwide.